Code blocks

code-block directive

The code-block directive is defined by Sphinx, the syntax looks like:

.. code-block:: language
   :caption: text for caption
   :emphasize-lines: 2,10-15

   code content here, please keep a blank line above

code-block directive accepts several options:

  • caption: to display a caption of the code block

  • linenos: to show line numbers of the code block

  • lineno-start: to set the first line number of the code block

  • emphasize-lines: to emphasize particular lines of the code block

  • name: to define a reference target

  • class: to add extra class names for the code block

  • dedent: to strip indentation for the code block

Here shows some of the use cases for code-block directive.


The code-block directive accepts a program language after its directive name:

Highlight with a language
.. code-block:: python

   import mistune

   def render_markdown(text: str) -> str:
       """A simple function to render text in markdown format."""
       return mistune.html(text)

   render_markdown("Hello **Shibuya**.")
import mistune

def render_markdown(text: str) -> str:
    """A simple function to render text in markdown format."""
    return mistune.html(text)

render_markdown("Hello **Shibuya**.")


It is also possible to add a caption option in code-block. For example, here displays the code of

.. code-block:: python

And the final result on Shibuya theme:
import mistune

def render_markdown(text: str) -> str:
    """A simple function to render text in markdown format."""
    return mistune.html(text)

render_markdown("Hello **Shibuya**.")

Line numbers

Adding a linenos option to show the code block’s line numbers:

.. code-block:: python

This is how it looks with Shibuya theme:

1import mistune
3class Shibuya:
4    def render_markdown(self, text: str) -> str:
5        """A simple function to render text in markdown format."""
6        return mistune.html(text)

If both caption and linenos options are added:
1import mistune
3class Shibuya:
4    def render_markdown(self, text: str) -> str:
5        """A simple function to render text in markdown format."""
6        return mistune.html(text)

Emphasize lines

The code-block directive offers an emphasize-lines option to highlight the chosen lines:

.. code-block:: python
    :emphasize-lines: 1,5-6,24-29
1import mistune
3def render_markdown(text: str) -> str:
4    """A simple function to render text in markdown format."""
5    return mistune.html(text)
7render_markdown("Hello **Shibuya**.")

code directive

The code is a built-in directive in reStructuredText. When using rst as the markup format in Sphinx, code directive can also be used.

.. code:: python

   import mistune

   mistune.html("Hello **Shibuya**")
import mistune

mistune.html("Hello **Shibuya**")

parsed-literal directive

The parsed-literal is a built-in directive in reStructuredText. It constructs a literal block where the text is parsed for inline markup.

For example:

.. parsed-literal::

   $ pip install shibuya==\ |version|

Above markup will turn into:

$ pip install shibuya==2025.2.14

Dark code

Dark code block can be defined with a class dark-code:

.. code-block:: python
   :class: dark-code

   html_theme_options = {
       "dark_code": True
html_theme_options = {
    "dark_code": True

It is also possible to enable dark code mode for the whole page. You can even enable dark code mode for the whole site.


This :class: option does not work well together with caption.