
Shibuya uses date based release segments. For pre-releases, it follows PEP 440.


  • New: Add slack_url theme option.

  • New: Add partials/nav-socials.html template.

  • Fix: Word break for right sidebar’s repository stats component.


  • Fix: Improve style for sphinx togglebutton.

  • Fix: Remove prefix in local TOC for API references.

  • Fix: Fix table style, avoid extra padding for tables.


  • New: Allow customize social network with partial template.

  • New: Add nav_links_align theme option.

  • Fix: Improve sidebar style for mobile view.

  • Fix: Use localStorage for theme mode state.

  • Fix: Hide rtd injected widget on landing page.

  • Fix: Lazy load logo to improve page speed.

  • Fix: Improve admonition style.


  • Fix: Update style for floatting image with admonition.


  • New: Added integration with sphinx-click.

  • New: Added style for menuselection.

  • New: Added style for sidebar.

  • New: Added style for align images.

  • Fix: Updated CSS for h5, h6, and .rubric.


  • New: Added linkedin_url theme option

  • New: Make theme switch a component

  • Fix: Cleanup html_context to prevent sphinx 7.3 warnings


  • New: Added integration with sphinx-sqlalchemy.

  • Fix: Improve accessibility with aria-label.

  • Fix: Improve style for nav links and docsearch.

  • Breaking: Fix typo of Lucide icons.


  • Breaking: Lucide and Simple Icons are splitted

  • New: Added 404 layout template

  • New: Added readthedocs_url theme option

  • Fix: Improve style for API autosummary tables


  • New: Added integration with sphinx-docsearch

  • New: Added reddit_url theme option

  • New: Added discussion_url theme option

  • Fix: Improve style for tables

  • Fix: Added external key for nav links


  • New: Auto highlight local TOC links

  • New: Added back to top button

  • Fix: Improve style for code blocks in tabs

  • Fix: Improve accent color definition

  • Fix: Improve style for copybutton


  • New: Added page_layout theme option

  • New: Added color_mode theme option

  • New: Added compact page layout

  • Fix: Improve style for nbsphinx tables


  • New: Added source_version html context

  • New: Added source_docs_path html context

  • Fix: Improve code block caption background color


  • New: Added “ghost” style tables.

  • New: Improve SEO with BreadcrumbList schema.

  • Fix: Change <img> style to inline.


  • Fix: Add opengraph information for landing and simple layouts.

  • Fix: Move .buttons container into global css.


  • Breaking: --sy-rc-theme CSS variable has been removed in favor of Accent colors.

  • Breaking: Several CSS variable names are changed.

  • Breaking: light_css_variables and dark_css_variables theme option has been removed.

  • New: Added many pre-defined Accent colors.

  • New: Added style for sphinx-gallery and xarray, via issue #20.

  • New: Added simple and landing layout templates.

  • New: Added two image containers.

  • Fix: Improve style for sphinx-design, sphinx-jupyter, and etc.

  • Fix: Improve style for search page.


  • Add gitlab_url and bitbucket_url

  • Update Twitter icon to X icon

  • Integrate with numpydoc extension

  • Improve CSS for sphinx.ext.autosummary extension

  • Add light-only and dark-only class


  • Fix deprecated links in relations.html and searchbox.html


  • Improve sidebar CSS for compatibility

  • Add an alias template of localtoc.html

  • Add deprecated warning templates of relations.html and searchbox.html

  • Improve CSS for nbsphinx extension

  • New feature for global TOC configuration

  • Improve CSS for global TOC


  • Remove current hreflang link

  • Fix nested TOC links, via issue #7

  • Use theme color for code blocks, via issue #5

  • Remove version parameter on assets URLs


  • Fix multiple languages links for index pages

  • Add hreflang links for SEO

  • Add locale data of theme templates


  • Change multiple languages configuration


  • Add YouTube link

  • Improve style for versions and languages

  • Improve breadcrumbs style

  • Add expand and collapse global TOC


  • Fix style for genindex

  • Add breadcrumbs for small screen

  • Move TOC controllers to breadcrumbs block

  • Move RTD versions to left sidebar

  • Add multiple languages switcher


  • Fix normalize toc with xml.etree

  • Fix local toc style

  • Fix style of main part for large screen


  • Fix style of copybutton for dark code mode

  • Fix style for modindex page


  • Apply dark_css_variables in templates

  • Fix code block style in dark code mode for sphinx design

  • Fix colors for API docs in dark code mode

  • Fix stderr background for nbsphinx


  • Add support for sphinx-togglebutton extension

  • Add support for nbsphinx extension

  • Rename template partials/sidebar-links to partials/globaltoc-above

  • Add template extensions/buysellads


  • Fix edit this page link

  • Fix nav links style

  • Update style for jupyter-sphinx


  • Add external-link icon for external nav links

  • Add highlight background color for search results

  • Fix search results page nav links for mobile devices

  • Add native built-in carbon ads


  • Fix scroll-margin-top for sections

  • Change “edit this page” link

  • Add an option to use your own Ethical Ads publisher ID

  • Update navbar links style

  • Add navbar children links


  • Enable repo-stats sidebar by default

  • Improve colors for dark mode


  • Auto resize announcement banner

  • Fix context for readthedocs


  • Add “edit this page” in sidebar

  • Add GitHub / Gitlab repository stats

  • Fix versions on css files


  • Add dark code mode

  • Improve style for print media

  • Improve style for sphinx-design


  • Improve style for quotes

  • Add github link on nav bar


  • Fix margins for “kbd”

  • Add style for sphinx-tabs

  • Improve style for code blocks


  • Fix templates when pageurl is None

  • Improve opengraph with more theme options

  • Tweak style, fix for a11y

  • Move theme switch to site head

  • Add logos and colors


Initial release.