
Customizing the appearance and functionality of your documentation website.

Shibuya provides various options for customizing the appearance and functionality of your documentation website. You can customize your website using Sphinx basic settings and Shibuya-specific options.

To customize your website using Sphinx basic settings, you can edit your Sphinx configuration file ( and modify the values of Sphinx options like html_title, html_logo, and html_favicon.

Theme options

Additionally, Shibuya provides its own set of options that you can use to customize the appearance of your website. These options can be set using the html_theme_options option in your Sphinx configuration file.


Add a logo to promote your brand and make your website more recognizable.


Customize the color scheme to give your website a unique look and feel that reflects your brand or personal style.

Navbar Links

Improve navigation by adding custom links to the navbar that direct users to important content on your website.

Social Connections

Connect with visitors by including links to your GitHub, Twitter, Discord, and etc.



Shibuya also provides several partial templates that you can customize to change the appearance of specific sections of your website. These templates include the header, footer, navbar, and sidebar.

Web Fonts

Use custom web fonts to give your documentation website a unique typography that reflects your brand or personal style.


Add or change our default icon set to reflect your brand and enhance the visual appeal and user experience of your documentation website.


Customize the elements that appear in the right sidebar of your documentation pages; such as table of contents, advertisement, edit this page.
