
Shibuya theme incorporates a variety of icons:

  • A selection of Lucide icons is used for navigation, admonitions and ect,

  • and a subset of Simple Icons are employed for social networks.

Lucide Icons

Lucide icons are embeded in CSS, which can be used with:

<i class="i-lucide chevron-down"></i>

Theme icons

Shibuya theme supports a light and dark mode switch, and the icons used for toggling between modes are:

--icon-url: var(--lucide-laptop-url);
--icon-url: var(--lucide-sun-url);
--icon-url: var(--lucide-moon-url);

Admonition icons

These are icons used for Admonitions:

:root {
  --attention-icon: var(--lucide-alert-url);
  --caution-icon: var(--lucide-zap-url);
  --danger-icon: var(--lucide-skull-url);
  --error-icon: var(--lucide-close-url);
  --hint-icon: var(--lucide-bell-url);
  --important-icon: var(--lucide-flame-url);
  --note-icon: var(--lucide-calendar-url);
  --tip-icon: var(--lucide-rocket-url);
  --warning-icon: var(--lucide-zap-url);
  --seealso-icon: var(--lucide-link-url);
  --todo-icon: var(--lucide-bookmark-url);

Custom Icons

You can customize the icons by defining CSS variables for each icon, for example:

:root {
  --lucide-star-url:url("data:image/svg+xml;utf8,%3Csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' width='24' height='24' fill='none' stroke='currentColor' stroke-width='2' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round'%3E%3Cpath d='m12 2 3.09 6.26L22 9.27l-5 4.87 1.18 6.88L12 17.77l-6.18 3.25L7 14.14 2 9.27l6.91-1.01L12 2z'/%3E%3C/svg%3E");

Social icons

Shibuya theme uses Iconify Icon web component for social networks. With the <iconify-icon> component, you can use any icon available through Iconify.

<iconify-icon icon="simple-icons:github"></iconify-icon>


You can find all the available icons through Icon Sets.

Foot social

Just like navbar social networks above, you can custom it with partials/foot-socials.html:

<div class="sy-foot-socials">
  {%- include "components/foot-socials.html" -%}
  <a href="https://t.me/your-telegram-channel" aria-label="Telegram">
    <iconify-icon icon="simple-icons:telegram"></iconify-icon>