
Change the page layout of your documentation.

The Shibuya theme provides various page layouts for your documentation. You have the flexibility to change the layout for your entire documentation site or individual pages.

Global layout

You can customize the global page layout by adjusting the page_layout settings within the html_context option in your Sphinx configuration file (
html_theme_options = {
    "page_layout": "default",

The default page_layout is default.

Page layout

Utilize Meta tags to modify the layout of individual pages:

:layout: default

Layout templates

Built-in layout templates that Shibuya theme offers:

Default layout

The default layout features a three-column design:

  • the left sidebar contains the global table of contents,

  • the right sidebar holds the local table of contents,

  • and the center displays the main page content.

../../_images/layout-light-default.jpg ../../_images/layout-dark-default.jpg
html_theme_options = {
    "page_layout": "default",

Compact layout

The compact layout features a two-column design:

  • the right sidebar holds the local table of contents,

  • and the center displays the main page content.

../../_images/layout-light-compact.jpg ../../_images/layout-dark-compact.jpg
html_theme_options = {
    "page_layout": "compact",

Simple layout

A simple layout exclusively displays the page content without any sidebars—ideal for generating single-page documentation.

../../_images/layout-light-simple.jpg ../../_images/layout-dark-simple.jpg
html_theme_options = {
    "page_layout": "simple",

Landing layout

The landing layout is typically used for the home page (index.rst).

:layout: landing


Discover the appearance of the landing page by visiting the Shibuya theme’s homepage. Source code can be found on GitHub (index.rst).

This template offers a special container for buttons:

.. container:: buttons

    `Docs </install/>`_
    `GitHub <>`_

404 layout

The 404 layout is designed for displaying “404 page not found”. Typically, you would use it in 404.rst file:

:layout: 404


This page does not exist.

Shibuya theme has a special fix for 404 page with dirhtml builder.